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BENJAMIN FULFORD FRIDAY - Q&A VIDEO | 11_03_2023 (nukes are fake pay no attention to any nuke talk from anyone)
(all these controlled opposition agents pretend they do not know me then steal information ... abba YHWH sees all)
(this post removed from database)

The Marine Ball Was Cancelled! Lots of Military Activity in US Skie (Dr. Kia Pruitt)

The Real Queen Is K Phang Mary Magdalene Not The Lying Tub Of S H I T Scammer Shelly Ambra G J Q (real queen Stephanie Marie not jennifer m miller)

(I ask abba Yah to speak now before I close this lesson out ...... sends this below... LOL)


1 ❤️ Mark.
Thank you Mark. 🌹🌷❤️