The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah The Root Of David Has Triumphed He Is Able To Open The Scroll And Its Seven Seals Revelation Five Five A (this really did happen Yasharahla the exact same week the world went into the first world wide lockdowns - I really do feel the most wicked of the world had no idea what would happen when codes were cracked and seals were opened via the website)(Higher Sources made this entry into database on 1-18-2022 - I do feel we are getting close to full disclosure on all I have been speaking about for the last few years)(the wicked synagogue of satan fake jews plan was to kill or arrest me and have one of their satanic anti-christ take credit for opening the books via the database)(trump is one person who wanted to take credit for doing this but not the only one)
rare to see a new database entry with this many words with 55 searches so quickly
why did i end up here please guide me i don't understand what i am
The Seals of the pale horse were broken 400 years ago when they came in raped, killed, and enslaved Yasaerala, stole the King David bloodline, but the tides are now turning for Yasaerala, and King David’s bloodline! You King David and Yasaerala will be riding as bounty hunters to destroy these wicked evil devils who took everything from the 12 tribes and their ancestors! All Praises To The Most High our Creator Hawah only!!!