Millions Of People Are Dropping Dead From The Vaccine The Government Comes In With Vans And Removes Them Before Anyone Knows And The News Is Faking Reports About Whats Happening To Distract You (HAS ANONONE SEEN OR HEARD ABOUT ANY OF THIS?)
I haven't heard of anything, but, I don't watch MSM; none of the news channels, hardly any TV at all. I worry about my sister and her kids; my nephew and niece. All three of them took the vaxx. I wouldn't be surprised by any of this pertaining to the vaxx. We all know they aren't gonna put that info out there. Maybe that was one of the reasons why all of a sudden the Internet was down. Trying to hide something, you think? 😘
Not on national TV concerning our people in America, but on YouTube only! All Praises To The Most High our Creator who is always in control and bringing out all of this information!
I've heard about a few people from the medium news; not millions. The media is a deception; half truths. Gematria is a dimensional rabbit hole I don't explore often.
APTTMH! His judgement is righteous upon the earth. His mercy endures forever. Power to the chosen people.
Well Of Course The Mind Controlled Media Will Not Report This News Or Anything News Worthy. However, I Am Not Surprised.
I haven't heard of anything, but, I don't watch MSM; none of the news channels, hardly any TV at all. I worry about my sister and her kids; my nephew and niece. All three of them took the vaxx. I wouldn't be surprised by any of this pertaining to the vaxx. We all know they aren't gonna put that info out there. Maybe that was one of the reasons why all of a sudden the Internet was down. Trying to hide something, you think? 😘
Not on national TV concerning our people in America, but on YouTube only! All Praises To The Most High our Creator who is always in control and bringing out all of this information!
I've heard about a few people from the medium news; not millions. The media is a deception; half truths. Gematria is a dimensional rabbit hole I don't explore often.
APTTMH! His judgement is righteous upon the earth. His mercy endures forever. Power to the chosen people.