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List of alleged Indictments Arrests and Executions - Dismantling the Deep State Operatives & Doubles

Writer's picture: Mark - Lions of IsraelMark - Lions of Israel

original post date 02/05/2022

Code To Terminate Trudeau 12329 11772 1962 (click below to help Terminate Trudeau)

Code To Terminate Trudeau 12329 11772 1962
Code To Terminate Trudeau 12329 11772 1962
List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used
List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used

PART 2 - click below to view main video

PART 1 - click below to view main video

screenshot above similar to Russell Jay Gould Bounty Hunters Page


List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used
List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used

King Charlemagne was black!

Blacks in Europe - Soon The Truth Will Be Revealed

so about 450 years .... where have we heard that before?

Relevant Gematria part 2 (all links are clickable)

Yahs Garden (comment from FakeJew tube)

You have been censored on your own website. Will not play past the 11:15 second mark. It will redirect you to the beginning of the video. Its a loop. Zero to 11:15 and then back to zero. Can you re-upload? Tried computers and phones....same. Just stops ✋

Relevant Gematria (all links are clickable)

They Expect You To Love Them Austin (do not love your enemy - that is fake jew brainwashing)(rebuke the enemy and pray for justice and balance and protection and for them to change their ways)

National Security Agency (and that goes for cia, fbi, dhs, doj, dnc, rnc and all other government agencies who have done intentional harm to humanity amen)

Singapore Bank (looks like time is up devils amen)

Alliance Protected By God (my guess is because trump may be reincarnation of Esau as I have discussed in past videos and God has a plan above our paygrade - we just have to put our full trust and faith in abba Yah at all times and especially when things do not seem make any good sense)

List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used
List Of Indictments Arrests And Executions Dismantling The Deep State Operatives And Doubles The N W O Has Been Destroyed Clones Body Doubles Cgi Greenscreens And Flat Out Lying Is Now Being Used

Say What? How Many of you heard about this?

kevin kline playing role of melinda gates

kevin kline playing role of melinda gates

Will Smith Clone Just Exposed 😱 no one is fooled in the comments section

the devils are using mask and playing multiple roles



Part 2 Starts Here

The practicality of green-screen compositing is demonstrated by actor Iman Crosson in a self-produced video. Top panel: A frame in a full-motion video shot in the actor's living room.[1]Bottom panel: The corresponding frame in the final version in which the actor impersonates Barack Obama "appearing" outside the White House's East Room.[2]

we all know by now this Osama bin Laden garbage was all fake scripted fake jew deceptions and lies ... ALL OF IT WAS A FAKE HOAX to help bring in the NWO agenda and create a great deal of fear in humanity in order to take away GOD given rights and liberties ....and help enslave the King David bloodline ....

Al Roker Frozen MK Ultra trigger word programming

Bob Saget a known pedophile and child molester of Hollyweird most likely was put to death for his crimes

this is called soft disclosure ... you devils from all lack of intelligence agencies will pay for your crimes against humanity ... you wicked devils are disgrace to humanity and all life on this planet ... may almighty YHWH expose every last one of you devils and render immediate judgement on every being who has purposely endangered life on this planet in the here and now and forevermore Amen ... so mote it be

PART 3 Starts Here


this clone of Madonna .... they think we stupid

Arrested And Sent To Gitmo Wendy W I L L I A M S Fans Believe Wendy Used A Year Old Video And Posted As New To Her Instagram These Devils Are Trying To Hide Their Arrest And Executions
Arrested And Sent To Gitmo Wendy W I L L I A M S Fans Believe Wendy Used A Year Old Video And Posted As New To Her Instagram These Devils Are Trying To Hide Their Arrest And Executions


Kimberly Bonds
Kimberly Bonds
Feb 13, 2022

I love this entire layout.. it gives me goosebumps to read of such TRUTH

Thank You 🙏🏿


Feb 12, 2022

Book of Acts, 13:1, Both Barnabas and Simon, who was called Niger? Peter was a black man....

Strong's concordance -G3526

Latin, origin BLACK... Sabbath Shalom ani Mark


Lions of Israel
Lions of Israel
Feb 12, 2022

Manitoba to drop capacity limits next week, eliminate mask mandates by mid-March Fri, February 11, 2022, 9:25 a.m.·7 min read


Rodney Doyle
Rodney Doyle
Feb 12, 2022

Canada doesn't belong to


Cynthia Jarvis
Cynthia Jarvis
Feb 10, 2022

wow my ppl wake up he just did a whole rap lol I'm done I wanna Thank you @MARKALANKING N I WANNA THANK TMH FOR ALL HIS WORK IM WOKE MY FAMILY IS WOKE BOOP POINTBLACK

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