Jews And Freemasons Are Learning Too Late You Can Only Frighten The People With Lies For So Long Before They Will Turn On And Destroy The Source Of The Lies
Jews And Freemasons Are Learning Too Late You Can Only Frighten The People With Lies For So Long Before They Will Turn On And Destroy The Source Of The Lies
Right now i see many of them playing controlled opposition (fake activist) roles, trying to blend in amongst real humanity, pretending they were 'on our side all along', so they can sneak in a new bunch of freemasons into power.
I trust the most high will not let them pull this off!
Right now i see many of them playing controlled opposition (fake activist) roles, trying to blend in amongst real humanity, pretending they were 'on our side all along', so they can sneak in a new bunch of freemasons into power.
I trust the most high will not let them pull this off!