High Raking Devils Are Now Being Killed Left And Right Endure Family The Devils Are Being Destroyed Now And Fake Jew Propaganda News Is Not Reporting The Deaths
I am far from perfect but I know that I have always tried my best to do good since a child. I see people who partake in negative behaviours and they continue to enjoy much in this 3D world. I don't envy them but I'm in pain because I don't feel the justice. Yes we must be patient, kind, and give others the chance to repent. But my cup is full.
So why are the fake media not being destroyed too? They are the channels for deception and propaganda. Why is YHWH and The benevolent Angeles not destrying the media and the puppet politicians simultaneously? Destroy ALL active and passive, humans and aliens that are complicit in the oppression, enslavement & suffering of humanity in the here and now. Thank you ALL Benevolent Beings🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
For the same reason Yah did not destroy the real humans he loves but have been living in wickedness for years and decades and lifetimes .... Yah has great patience and gives everyone a chance to repent even the most wicked .....
I am far from perfect but I know that I have always tried my best to do good since a child. I see people who partake in negative behaviours and they continue to enjoy much in this 3D world. I don't envy them but I'm in pain because I don't feel the justice. Yes we must be patient, kind, and give others the chance to repent. But my cup is full.
So why are the fake media not being destroyed too? They are the channels for deception and propaganda. Why is YHWH and The benevolent Angeles not destrying the media and the puppet politicians simultaneously? Destroy ALL active and passive, humans and aliens that are complicit in the oppression, enslavement & suffering of humanity in the here and now. Thank you ALL Benevolent Beings🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥