Fliers Are Getting P A S S E D Out Blaming The Covid Scam On The Fake Jews In Hollyweird Great Job Humanity Lets Get This Done World Wide Fake Hook Nose Jews Are The Root Cause Of The Worlds Problems
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Fliers Are Getting P A S S E D Out Blaming The Covid Scam On The Fake Jews In Hollyweird Great Job Humanity Lets Get This Done World Wide Fake Hook Nose Jews Are The Root Cause Of The Worlds Problems
Brother Mark, here is confirmation of your gematria finding, that said the freemasons and tares were getting their own covid vaccine (which was just a placebo). Apparently a head nurse in Slovenia came forward and confirmed this after resigning:
Brother Mark, here is confirmation of your gematria finding, that said the freemasons and tares were getting their own covid vaccine (which was just a placebo). Apparently a head nurse in Slovenia came forward and confirmed this after resigning: