There Is An Investigation That Needs To Be Conducted On Gematrix For Censorship Policies Certain Entries Without Foul Language Have Been Suppressed Involving Jews Mostly
When The Jewish Conspiracy Is Exposed It Will Be A Real Holocaust Not Like The Fake One The Jewish Liars Portray
Lets Figure Out The Percentage Of Americans Who Are Jewish And Compare That With How Many Positions Of Power And Influence In Media And Office They Hold Jews Have Taken Over We Need To Remove Them
The Main Reason The Andromeda Galaxy Is On The Way Is Because Our Solar System Is Broken And There Will Be More Broken Pieces If We All Dont Get On The Same Page About Life And The Jews
Fake Jews Exposed You Hate Me Because I Tell You The Truth You Dont Want To Hear That The Problem Really Is The Fake Jews Yet Again And They Need Dealt With Yet Again Kicked Out Of 109 Lands So Far
These sTaGe actors,die and their character is DEAD, then they move on to another acting job.... Wen prince died his character is doa,, now he moves on to another character, like his sister? Amy winehouse, is lady Gaga.... and so on. We live in a rReality
Everything is FAKED, money, foods, Leaders on and on and on, the show must go on tah dah Shalom Tomodachi, friends
lady gaga could be a clone of amy winehouse....her first video was something that really tripped me out.the paparazzi song. with her death at the beginning and her coming back...amy winehouse was gone for a while before she died....if they are not connected...the story with paparazzi is very telling about was like she was created....
the is a episode of the show called The Hills where Lada Gaga is performing before the was famous and the whole thing seems so staged ..... like a coming out party all pre planned .... like you said "like she was created...."
These sTaGe actors,die and their character is DEAD, then they move on to another acting job.... Wen prince died his character is doa,, now he moves on to another character, like his sister? Amy winehouse, is lady Gaga.... and so on. We live in a rReality
Everything is FAKED, money, foods, Leaders on and on and on, the show must go on tah dah Shalom Tomodachi, friends
lady gaga could be a clone of amy winehouse....her first video was something that really tripped me out.the paparazzi song. with her death at the beginning and her coming back...amy winehouse was gone for a while before she died....if they are not connected...the story with paparazzi is very telling about was like she was created....
There jews, but not Yisra'elites