Double Edge Dagger Quick Hitter 19 - Millions Of People Are Dropping Dead From The Vaccine - The Government Comes In With Vans And Removes Them Before Anyone Knows And The News Is Faking Reports About Whats Happening To Distract You (HAS ANONONE SEEN OR HEARD ABOUT ANY OF THIS?)
CLICK BELOW TO VIEW VIEDO - Double Edge Dagger Quick Hitter 19
Millions Of People Are Dropping Dead From The Vaccine The Government Comes In With Vans And Removes Them Before Anyone Knows And The News Is Faking Reports About Whats Happening To Distract You (HAS ANONONE SEEN OR HEARD ABOUT ANY OF THIS?)
Comments from the woke from Lions of Israel blog click link
Comments from the woke from Lions of Israel YOUTUBE blog click link
The Talmudic Jews Have Controlled The Narrative By Owning And Controlling All Media Outlets Recording False Leaders And False Events As Our History That Gradually Stigmatize Christian Nations (The Talmudic Jews = synagogue of satan fake jews)
May The Most High keep you Mark. I have been listening to a young man named Peter who is saying that a group called The Majestic 12 are behind the roundups of these wicked elites, and that The Majestic 12 are all non-man. Peter is saying they live on the moon, and they are helping to bring these wicked monsters to justice with military tribunals. There is no escape for these criminals. I have a list of famous actors who have already been killed at Gitmo Bay by the military. The real Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill were kill after George H Bushes funeral. George himself was executed at Gitmo Bay too after telling the truth about crimes against…
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