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2 Komentar

06 Des 2022

Abba YAH, I am in accord with Rodney's prayer. Please Abba send Your Righteous Indignation to every Hebrew Believer and Gentile Believer to stand in unity that ALL human trafficking will be totally abolished NOW... Let the LIONS and LIONESSES shatter the atmosphere with our roars! These children have suffered...Enough is Enough in Yahushua's Mighty Name, AMEN.


Rodney Doyle
Rodney Doyle
05 Des 2022


I humbly beseech THEE, ABBA, for your intercession to abolish child sed trafficking taking place across the four corners of Earth. In the name of Yahawashi, the future King, and your son; I command O'LORD to reign down Hades on all adult purveyors and pedophilia player & participants of the illicit sex trade. We expect YOU, FATHER, to punish the transgenders, cross-dressors, lgbtqs, school teachers & school administrators, parents, crossing guards, school bus drivers, the old, the young corrupt minds out to profit from such filth and secure their seats in the eternal scorching flames of Hades, Pluto and/or Mercury or, the dimension you designate as a place external damnation. YHWH, the state of California recently announced the release…

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