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B-MoreCity 1985
B-MoreCity 1985
Aug 21, 2021

Good day Mark. Sorry to be a bother to you but I have a video clip of some guy that took that poison and someone used a smart phone to scan the gentleman’s arm after he took that poison and on the smart phone a number of some kind showed up. It’s like the guy is nothing more than a bar coded item or owned property.

I thank the most high for people like you and many others getting the truth out. I’m doing my part as well. Wecan only hope it is enough. God speed and God bless to us all in these dark hours.


Aug 16, 2021

What's Interesting Those Who Got The Shots Did Not Do Any Research Pertaining To The Ingredients In The Shots. Furthermore, All 3 Companies (Including J&J) Have Been Sued For Various Nefarious Reasons. GIVE THANKS💓PRAISES💓MOST HIGH💓 HEAVENLY FATHER💓FOR OPENING THE EARS💓EYES💓OF YOUR CHILDREN💓SELAH💓


Rosalind Hatten
Rosalind Hatten
Aug 16, 2021

Thanks for the information, we already looked up this information and refuse to get this poison! All Praises To The Most High our Creator Hawah who keeps us informed! Thank you King David for letting The Most High our Creator Hawah use you to get this information out to our people!

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