Almighty Abba Y H W H Higher Sources Prophecy Alert Biden Fakes Death Or Illness And Satanic Witch Kabbalah Kamala Becomes President This Happened On Nov 19th 2021
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Almighty Abba Y H W H Higher Sources Prophecy Alert Biden Fakes Death Or Illness And Satanic Witch Kabbalah Kamala Becomes President This Happened On Nov 19th 2021
Almighty Abba Y H W H Higher Sources Prophecy Alert Biden Fakes Death Or Illness And Satanic Witch Kabbalah Kamala Becomes President This Happened On Nov 19th 2021
Almighty Abba Y H W H Higher Sources Prophecy Alert Biden Fakes Death Or Illness And Satanic Witch Kabbalah Kamala Becomes President This Happened On Nov 19th 2021
6:39am idk what this site is but I accidentally clicked on this...ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH YAH. As I said idk what this is but they're is no such thing as coincidence. SHALAWAM YASHARALA!!!!!!!!!!!!
She ain’t nothing but a witch! Just put in to confuse the Melanated, Copper colored indigenous aboriginal, Hebrews, now call Black or African Americans to go along with her and the Kabbalah to destroy Yasaerala, but All Praises To The Most High our Creator Hawah, who is in control, and King David who is in the trenches for The Most High’s chosen people!
Al Praises To The Most High our Creator Hawah! Thanks King David for allowing t Our Creator Hawah, and the Holy Spirit, to use you as always in bringing to Hawah’s people Yasaerala current and past events on Gematrix! We love you and are in the trenches spreading this truth! We don’t take you, or our Creator for granted or lightly! Keep up the good work! Halal Hawah!!!!😍🙏🏽🙏🏽
6:39am idk what this site is but I accidentally clicked on this...ALL PRAISES TO THE MOST HIGH YAH. As I said idk what this is but they're is no such thing as coincidence. SHALAWAM YASHARALA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found an entry on gematrix about Harris:
'Kamala Harris worships satan, do not trust.....2664......2760.....460......30'
Shalom ❣️ Thank you. APTMH YAH
Thank you and bless you for telling the truth.
Al Praises To The Most High our Creator Hawah! Thanks King David for allowing t Our Creator Hawah, and the Holy Spirit, to use you as always in bringing to Hawah’s people Yasaerala current and past events on Gematrix! We love you and are in the trenches spreading this truth! We don’t take you, or our Creator for granted or lightly! Keep up the good work! Halal Hawah!!!!😍🙏🏽🙏🏽