All Of You Blaspheming Serpents Writing Your Entries On Gematria Are Condemned To Eternal Torment By The Living God (these wicked devils have filled the gematrix,org database with endless lies about me and Almighty Power YHWH and others from the elect knowing that they are 100% PURE LIES to mislead and have humanity doubt and not trust me and not believe in Almighty Power YHWH - and the sad truth is most folks blindly listened to the lies and did not listen to the truth)
A Codys (aka Mark Alan King) Not Gonna Kill Himself U Crazy Amon N Jhonson Hey Amon Does Squerrile Beast Jhonson Eat Ur Nuts (the devils have been blasting me with sonic weapons 24/7 for over 5 years intensely trying to drive me crazy and telling me to kill myself non stop day and night)