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Abba Almighty God Lets Finish What They Started (CODE CRACK)

Writer: Mark - Lions of IsraelMark - Lions of Israel

Results by Jewish Gematria

Combustion (james shepherd aka steven james dishon)

Eva Is Very Wicked (jamie abdullah aka latonya page)

Miss You (jamie abdullah aka latonya page)(wicked devil is casting love spells)

Soon Steven Dishon (james shepherd aka steven james dishon)

Exposing Her (jamie abdullah aka latonya page)

Destructive And Hateful (james shepherd aka steven james dishon)

Results by English and Simple Gematria

Pleiadian (This is the fake Jesus in Bible - not sure on this we will have to wait and see)

Gnostic Avatar Messiah (Robert Stebbin FAKE IMPOSTOR)

James Carr President (FAKE IMPOSTOR)


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