This rickshaw (tuk tuk) taxi was sent to gang stalk me not long ago.
a) One light working on the vehicle - Typical gang stalking tactic
b) Directed conversation message written on the vehicle - Another gang stalking tactic
c) Many skull and cross bone logos, under the message - Driver likely to be a freemason and/or demon possessed
This guy drove past me, and pulled over in front, knowing I would see him.
They wanted me to not only see the one light, but the message written on the back of this taxi, which read:
'It's better to be a lonely lion, than a popular sheep'.
I suppose this was their way of saying to me: 'We have isolated you, and are going to harass you with this kind of directed conversation'
But I was able to flip this around and change my perspective.
Instead of getting a negative reaction out of me, I saw The Most High communicating to me through this message also. It was his way of saying 'you are on the right path'