I suddenly remembered something that happened a few years ago.
In one of my previous jobs, a tare/freakmason/gang stalking demon and her daughter used to work with me.
One day her daughter, told me that she and her parents, often visit Stonehenge to participate in rituals.
She did not say more, but since i know her family are a bunch of demons, i knew they were doing satanic rituals there.
There are many theories on the origins of Stonehenge.
Some say the original structure was not satanic, but the satanists hijacked it and used it for evil.
Some say the ancient egyptians built it, others say it was the ancient hindus of India.
Others reckon it is a modern day construction, which was erected only a few generations ago.
(we will find out the truth soon enough).
All sorts of 'rules' have been implemented at Stonehenge, all of which are designed to discourage general public, from getting too close to the stones (why?).
They do allow a certain groups (satanists?) to visit these stones, and film themselves doing some innocent looking activities (like the way freemasons publicize themselves doing 'charity work', to hide the wickedness they do in secret).
Here is a lecture about some of the evil activities around Stonehenge.
Not sure if this guy is entirely accurate in what he is saying, but food for thought nonetheless: