I spoke to a guy from Pakistan recently, in London.
He told me about another migrant he knows, who works a low wage job.
Yet the latter owns a house worth around a million USD, and several luxury cars,
which are worth a couple of hundred thousand on top of that.
One car, a new BMW M4 costs around a 100K alone!
So I asked him how it was possible? Especially at a time like this?
He told me that guy was 'getting it from the council' (aka tax payer hand outs by the government)
I asked him how he was so sure about that?
He replied that the welfare fraudster, invited him to join in and get his hands on that kind of money
But this guy claims he has principles and refused, but accused many of his countrymen of coming to the
UK to rape the benefit (welfare) system.
At least that is what he told me.
sounds about right .... but sounds like that rich guy is into other things as well .....