This guy (Thomas K Hunt), has a totally different view on what gang stalking is.
I believe he could be both wrong and right.
I myself have seen the words 'Abba' 'Yah' and 'Hova' (as in Yehovah), appear in
several places at different times, on cars and buildings!
What could be happening is that Satan created gang stalking with sinister intentions, but God is using it his own way. We know Abba is ultimately the boss controlling everything, and that includes Satan.
Like chemtrails for example. In the article he claims God is sending us a message through the chemtrails, telling us to focus on the 'one way' (which is to seek God).
But Satan is probably spraying chemtrails to poison us, and minimize the sunlight hitting us.
We could observe this dichotomy with many things in life. The internet being another example. The forces of evil use it spread fear, lies and gather our personal info. The most high uses it to awaken us, spread truth and bring us closer to him!